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Every commercial venture must have an online presence. While social media helps, a stunning internet domain remains imperative. Startup visionaries often lack money for hiring a team of web development professionals. Those with enough cash might want to avoid the expense by tackling the project themselves. In both instances, recommended methods deliver superior results. Here are a few suggestions to guide your site-building efforts.

Plan Everything

Like with running a venture, positive results don’t just happen. Avoiding pitfalls and creating an effective page demand thinking ahead. Just as you should write a business plan before opening your doors, work out every aspect of your website ahead of diving into the building stage. Start by identifying what message you intend to convey. Then, focus on your design. Think carefully about colors and graphical style. Review your intentions with an outside party that can help identify weak spots; major adjustments are much easier during the concept phase. 

Stay Simple

As the saying goes, less is more. People will be browsing your site for specific information. Make sure they have no trouble getting what they seek. Simplify your language. Write at a 6th-grade level or lower. Avoid complex sentences and flowery language. Place navigational buttons in logical spots where users will not miss them. Go for a clean, powerful look that impresses visitors every time. 

If you choose to code, keep lines as simple as possible for fewer bugs. Also, be sparing with graphics and animations. These elements can be problematic for customers with older devices or smaller screens.

Follow Others

Examine the domains of competitors. Review what they’re doing, and take stock of what elements they get right. Maybe you notice how much impact a particular splash page has. Create one that outdoes it. Perhaps a user-based photo section is attracting lots of traffic. Why not incorporate one into yours? There’s no reason for reinventing the wheel. Begin with what works, and then figure out improvements.

Test Rigorously

Before going live, allow others to comb over what you’ve created. The feedback they deliver could prevent a major headache. Be diligent about checking every link; those that lead to error pages leave a bad impression. See how your site looks when you access it through different electronics, and make adjustments as necessary. Provide a token of gratitude in exchange for consumers giving you their honest opinions.

These web development suggestions should put you on the path to stunning results. Incorporate them when composing your business site.